The Best and Brightest Companies to Work for in the Nation – 2020 Winner

Summer 2020 Winner

The National Association for Business Resources recently released the results of the Summer 2020 Best and Brightest Companies To Work For in the Nation Award, and Health Designs is honored to announce that we have been named a Summer 2020 Winner! A total of 1,300 nominations nationwide were assessed by an independent research firm, which reviewed a number of key measures relative to other nationally recognized winners. After careful consideration, the Best and Brightest honored 147 winning organizations!

As stated by Jennifer Kluge, President and CEO, Best and Brightest Programs, “Through the first half of 2020, the Best and Brightest Companies To Work For have demonstrated leadership and forward thinking as they pivoted their business and workforce through Covid-19. As the conversation and focus has shifted, our Best and Brightest winning companies have also been a voice for important actions regarding Race. It is in these unique times, the Best and Brightest Companies To Work For excel and share their knowledge with others.”

Best and Brightest Programs

The Best and Brightest programs identify, recognize, and celebrate organizations that are making better business, creating richer lives and building a stronger community as a whole. More specifically, The Best and Brightest Companies to Work For® competition identifies and honors organizations that display a commitment to excellence in operations and employee enrichment that lead to increased productivity and financial performance. This competition scores potential winners based on regional data of company performance and a set standard across the nation.

To learn more about the Best and Brightest programs or to nominate an organization, click here!

The National Association for Business Resources

The National Association for Business Resources (NABR) is an organization that ignites greatness for executives, Human Resource leaders and their employees.  They serve businesses of all sizes and professionals at all levels with the goal of making businesses stronger and positively influencing the lives of employees. The NABR community as a whole pride themselves as a platform for dialogue, sharing of best practices, and sharing powerful education and resources.

With over 20 years of experience conducting the Best and Brightest competitions, the NABR has identified numerous best Human Resource practices and provided benchmarking for companies that continue to be leaders in employment standards. To learn more about NABR, click here!

For additional information, news, blogs, articles or interviews please contact us at 904-285 2019
“Health Designs has exceeded our expectations, particularly in the personal coaching portion of our wellness program. Employees have met with the same coach since the first day and have formed an important, trusting relationship to help employees determine their goals and achieve results.”
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