Integrating Well-Being as Employees Return to Work

Well-Being is a Top Priority

In a recent Forbes article, Erica Volini, Global Human Capital leader for Deloitte Consulting, and Jen Fisher, a leading voice on workplace well-being and human-centered organizational culture, talk about workplace well-being. They explain that workplace well-being was gaining organizational traction even before the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, they cited that it was the top-ranked trend in Deloitte’s 2020 Global Human Capital Trends study, with 80% of nearly 9,000 survey respondents identifying it as important or very important to their organization’s success.

The last year has only proven just how important employee well-being is, and what the consequences are when it’s put at risk. So, as employees begin returning to work, it’s clear that their health and well-being will be a top priority.

Returning to Work and Integrating Well-Being

Volini and Fisher stress that the incorporation of well-being into your return-to-work strategy must be done symphonically, championed by leaders at every level and in every function if it is going to have a meaningful difference. In addition to on-site testing, social distancing, the use of masks, and improved office sanitizing practices, here are a list of actions they recommend leaders to take to ensure health and wellness are a priority, both now and beyond COVID-19.

At the organizational level:

  • Form teams based on worker preferences, working styles and personal needs
  • Embed well-being criteria in work scheduling, performance management processes, leadership evaluations and rewards and recognition programs
  • Design work environments to support workers’ physical, mental and emotional health needs
  • Communicate about wellness offerings and benefits often and through multiple channels

At the team level:

  • Model well-being behaviors such as taking breaks, participating in wellness challenges, bringing healthy lunches or ordering healthy delivery options, etc.
  • Encourage all team members to adopt well-being practices best suited to their needs
  • Leverage physical workspaces that promote team collaboration and performance
  • Utilize new technologies, to train team members to navigate stressful situations or even help them manage their stress levels

For more information, click here to read Volini and Fisher’s full article!


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“Health Designs has exceeded our expectations, particularly in the personal coaching portion of our wellness program. Employees have met with the same coach since the first day and have formed an important, trusting relationship to help employees determine their goals and achieve results.”
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