Habits of Leaders Who Inspire Positive Work Cultures

A Leader’s Influence

Your actions as a leader impact your organization’s culture, and that culture will directly impact employee performance, ROI and customer satisfaction. Here are a few habits of leaders that positively influence workplace culture.

Habits for a Positive Culture

1. Frequently self-reflect on your leadership style. Some good questions to ask include:

  • Am I approachable?
  • Do I put work aside and give my full attention when employees approach me?
  • Do I approach employees often to ask how they’re doing?
  • Do I give credit to employees?
  • Do I remember to say please and thank you?

2. Positive Communication

In the digital age, our first thought is to use e-mail or the phone to relay information. Instead, take the extra time to talk to employees face-to-face. Provide them with constructive criticism and encourage them to offer feedback and voice their opinions. You as a leader become more transparent and personable, which creates a more positive and productive environment,

3. Take Responsibility

No one is perfect, and there will come a time when you make a mistake. Be transparent and apologize well. Take responsibility and put in the extra work to fix the problem. By not letting the consequences fall on your employees shoulders, you earn their respect.

4. Visualize the Future

Visualizing and communicating about future goals and how current actions impact those goals is a great way to keep employees motivated. Having a purpose and a goal at work gives it meaning and inspires a positive outlook.

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